VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK Class Reference

Encapsulates a differential inverse kinematics for the virtual robot. More...

Inheritance diagram for VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK:

Public Member Functions

EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW DifferentialIK (RobotNodeSetPtr rns, RobotNodePtr coordSystem=RobotNodePtr(), JacobiProvider::InverseJacobiMethod invJacMethod=eSVD, float invParam=0.0f)
 Initialize a Jacobian object. More...
virtual void setGoal (const Eigen::Matrix4f &goal, SceneObjectPtr tcp=SceneObjectPtr(), IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode=IKSolver::All, float tolerancePosition=5.0f, float toleranceRotation=3.0f/180.0f *M_PI, bool performInitialization=true)
 Sets the target position for (one of) the tcp(s). More...
virtual void setGoal (const Eigen::Vector3f &goal, SceneObjectPtr tcp=SceneObjectPtr(), IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode=IKSolver::Position, float tolerancePosition=5.0f, float toleranceRotation=3.0f/180.0f *M_PI, bool performInitialization=true)
 Sets the target position for (one of) the tcp(s). More...
virtual Eigen::MatrixXf getJacobianMatrix (SceneObjectPtr tcp, IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode)
 Returns the Jacobian matrix for a given tcp. More...
Eigen::MatrixXf getJacobianMatrix (SceneObjectPtr tcp) override
virtual Eigen::MatrixXf getJacobianMatrix (IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode)
Eigen::MatrixXf getJacobianMatrix () override
Eigen::VectorXf getError (float stepSize=1.0f) override
void updateError (Eigen::VectorXf &error, float stepSize=1.0f)
virtual Eigen::MatrixXf getPseudoInverseJacobianMatrix (SceneObjectPtr tcp, IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode=IKSolver::All)
 Returns the pseudo inverse of the Jacobian matrix for a given tcp of the robot. More...
virtual Eigen::MatrixXf getPseudoInverseJacobianMatrix ()
virtual Eigen::MatrixXf getPseudoInverseJacobianMatrix (IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode)
void updateJacobianMatrix (Eigen::MatrixXf &jac)
void updateJacobianMatrix (Eigen::MatrixXf &jac, SceneObjectPtr tcp, IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode)
virtual Eigen::VectorXf computeStep (float stepSize=1.0f)
 Compute a single IK step. More...
virtual bool computeSteps (float stepSize, float minChange, int maxSteps)
 Computes the complete inverse kinematics. More...
virtual bool solveIK (float stepSize=0.2f, float minChange=0.0f, int maxSteps=50)
 Computes the complete inverse kinematics. More...
virtual RobotNodePtr getDefaultTCP ()
 Returns the default tcp of the robot. More...
virtual float getErrorPosition (SceneObjectPtr tcp=SceneObjectPtr())
 Returns the translation error for a given tcp (i.e., the distance to the target). More...
virtual float getErrorRotation (SceneObjectPtr tcp=SceneObjectPtr())
 Returns the error metric for a given tcp (i.e., the angle between the target pose). More...
virtual void checkImprovements (bool enable)
void convertModelScalingtoM (bool enable)
void setVerbose (bool enable)
virtual float getMeanErrorPosition ()
virtual void updateDeltaToGoal (Eigen::VectorXf &delta, SceneObjectPtr tcp=SceneObjectPtr())
virtual void updateDelta (Eigen::VectorXf &delta, const Eigen::Matrix4f &current, const Eigen::Matrix4f &goal, IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode=IKSolver::All)
virtual Eigen::VectorXf getDeltaToGoal (SceneObjectPtr tcp=SceneObjectPtr())
virtual Eigen::VectorXf getDelta (const Eigen::Matrix4f &current, const Eigen::Matrix4f &goal, IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode=IKSolver::All)
virtual void setMaxPositionStep (float s)
 When considering large errors, the translational part can be cut to this length. Set to <= 0 to ignore cutting (standard) More...
bool checkTolerances () override
virtual void initialize ()
void print () override
 print Print current status of the IK solver More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from VirtualRobot::JacobiProvider
 JacobiProvider (RobotNodeSetPtr rns, InverseJacobiMethod invJacMethod=eSVD)
virtual ~JacobiProvider ()
virtual Eigen::MatrixXd getJacobianMatrixD ()
virtual Eigen::MatrixXd getJacobianMatrixD (SceneObjectPtr tcp)
virtual Eigen::MatrixXf computePseudoInverseJacobianMatrix (const Eigen::MatrixXf &m, const Eigen::VectorXf regularization=Eigen::VectorXf()) const
virtual Eigen::MatrixXd computePseudoInverseJacobianMatrixD (const Eigen::MatrixXd &m, const Eigen::VectorXd regularization=Eigen::VectorXd()) const
virtual Eigen::MatrixXf computePseudoInverseJacobianMatrix (const Eigen::MatrixXf &m, float invParameter, const Eigen::VectorXf regularization=Eigen::VectorXf()) const
virtual Eigen::MatrixXd computePseudoInverseJacobianMatrixD (const Eigen::MatrixXd &m, double invParameter, const Eigen::VectorXd regularization=Eigen::VectorXd()) const
virtual void updatePseudoInverseJacobianMatrix (Eigen::MatrixXf &invJac, const Eigen::MatrixXf &m, float invParameter=0.0f, Eigen::VectorXf regularization=Eigen::VectorXf()) const
virtual void updatePseudoInverseJacobianMatrixD (Eigen::MatrixXd &invJac, const Eigen::MatrixXd &m, double invParameter=0.0, Eigen::VectorXd regularization=Eigen::VectorXd()) const
virtual Eigen::MatrixXf getPseudoInverseJacobianMatrix (const Eigen::VectorXf regularization=Eigen::VectorXf())
virtual Eigen::MatrixXd getPseudoInverseJacobianMatrixD (const Eigen::VectorXd regularization=Eigen::VectorXd())
virtual Eigen::MatrixXf getPseudoInverseJacobianMatrix (SceneObjectPtr tcp, const Eigen::VectorXf regularization=Eigen::VectorXf())
virtual Eigen::MatrixXd getPseudoInverseJacobianMatrixD (SceneObjectPtr tcp, const Eigen::VectorXd regularization=Eigen::VectorXd())
virtual Eigen::VectorXf getJacobiRegularization (IKSolver::CartesianSelection mode=IKSolver::All)
VirtualRobot::RobotNodeSetPtr getRobotNodeSet ()
bool isInitialized ()
void setJointWeights (const Eigen::VectorXf &jointWeights)
float getDampedSvdLambda () const
void setDampedSvdLambda (float value)
float getJacobiMMRegularization () const
void setJacobiMMRegularization (float value)
float getJacobiRadianRegularization () const
void setJacobiRadianRegularization (float value)

Protected Member Functions

virtual void setNRows ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from VirtualRobot::JacobiProvider
virtual void updatePseudoInverseJacobianMatrixInternal (Eigen::MatrixXf &invJac, const Eigen::MatrixXf &m, float invParameter=0.0f) const
virtual void updatePseudoInverseJacobianMatrixDInternal (Eigen::MatrixXd &invJac, const Eigen::MatrixXd &m, double invParameter=0.0) const

Protected Attributes

float invParam
std::vector< SceneObjectPtrtcp_set
RobotNodePtr coordSystem
bool checkImprovement
 Indicates if the jacobian steps must improve the result, otherwise the loop is canceld. More...
std::size_t nRows
std::size_t nDoF
std::map< SceneObjectPtr, Eigen::Matrix4f, std::less< SceneObjectPtr >, Eigen::aligned_allocator< std::pair< const SceneObjectPtr, Eigen::Matrix4f > > > targets
std::map< SceneObjectPtr, Eigen::MatrixXf, std::less< SceneObjectPtr >, Eigen::aligned_allocator< std::pair< const SceneObjectPtr, Eigen::MatrixXf > > > partJacobians
std::map< SceneObjectPtr, IKSolver::CartesianSelectionmodes
std::map< SceneObjectPtr, float > tolerancePosition
std::map< SceneObjectPtr, float > toleranceRotation
bool convertMMtoM
std::vector< RobotNodePtrnodes
std::map< RobotNodePtr, std::vector< RobotNodePtr > > parents
Eigen::VectorXf currentError
Eigen::MatrixXf currentJacobian
Eigen::MatrixXf currentInvJacobian
Eigen::Matrix4f tmpDeltaOrientation
Eigen::AngleAxis< float > tmpDeltaAA
Eigen::VectorXf tmpUpdateErrorDelta
Eigen::Vector3f tmpUpdateErrorPosition
Eigen::MatrixXf tmpUpdateJacobianPosition
Eigen::MatrixXf tmpUpdateJacobianOrientation
Eigen::VectorXf tmpComputeStepTheta
float positionMaxStep
bool verbose
- Protected Attributes inherited from VirtualRobot::JacobiProvider
std::string name
RobotNodeSetPtr rns
InverseJacobiMethod inverseMethod
bool initialized
Eigen::VectorXf jointWeights
float dampedSvdLambda
float jacobiMMRegularization
float jacobiRadianRegularization

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from VirtualRobot::JacobiProvider
enum  InverseJacobiMethod { eSVD, eSVDDamped, eSVDDampedDynamic, eTranspose }
 Several methods are offered for inverting the Jacobi (i.e. building the Pseudoinverse) More...

Detailed Description

Encapsulates a differential inverse kinematics for the virtual robot.

The aim of this class is to offer a convenient mechanism to solve the inverse kinematics of redundant robots. With this class it is possible to specify goals for multiple TCPs which will be be used simultaneously within the same optimization step. That way, the IK for two-armed manipulation can be solved where both arms share the same hip joint (see image). For each tcp, it is possible to select which components of the error vector should be optimized. One can restrict it to consider only the orientation, or only position, or even only the $z$-component, for instance. Any node of the virtual robot can be selected chosen tcp. For instance, the robot hand can be targed to reach for a position while its elbow should be lifted to a certain hight (see images and examples)

Despite all higher-level functionality, the standard application can still be implemented very intuitively. Example for bimanual manipulation:

// define a kinematic chain for bimanual manipulation.
std::vector<RobotNodePtr> nBi;
nBi.push_back(robot->getRobotNode(std::string("Shoulder 1 L")));
nBi.push_back(robot->getRobotNode(std::string("Shoulder 1 R")));
// ...
RobotNodeSetPtr kcBi = RobotNodeSet::createRobotNodeSet(robot,std::string("jacobiTestBi"),nBi);
// Create an IK algorithm instance. The world coordinate system is the frame of reference.
DifferentialIK dIK (kcBi);
// Set the target poses for the two end effectors.
// compute the IK using 0.1 stepsize and a maximum of 50 steps.

Example for lifted elbow:

// should yield the kinematic chain of the left Arm
// ...
// Create an IK algorithm instance. The world coordinate system is the frame of reference.
DifferentialIK dIK(leftArm);
// should yield the target vector.
Eigen::Vector3f target_position;
// ...
// Set the target for the end effector.
// This call sets the goal for the default tcp of the chain.
// For vectors, the default is to optimize the position only.
// Now the vector should yield the height of the elbow;
float elbow_target_z;
target_position(2) = elbow_target_z;
// Should be a reference to the elbow
dIK.setGoal(target_position, elbow,DifferentialIK::Z);
// compute the IK using 0.1 stepsize and a maximum of 50 steps.
// the joints of kcBi are already set to the result

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DifferentialIK()

VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::DifferentialIK ( RobotNodeSetPtr  rns,
RobotNodePtr  coordSystem = RobotNodePtr(),
JacobiProvider::InverseJacobiMethod  invJacMethod = eSVD,
float  invParam = 0.0f 

Initialize a Jacobian object.

rnsThe robotNodes (i.e., joints) for which the Jacobians should be calculated.
coordSystemThe coordinate system in which the Jacobians are defined. By default the global coordinate system is used.
invJacMethodThe method for inverting the Jacobian
invParamOnly used when != 0.0f

Member Function Documentation

◆ checkImprovements()

void VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::checkImprovements ( bool  enable)

Enable or disable the check for improvements during computeSteps loop. If enabled and the delta to the goal does not gets smaller, the loop is canceled. Standard: disabled

◆ checkTolerances()

bool VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::checkTolerances ( )

◆ computeStep()

Eigen::VectorXf VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::computeStep ( float  stepSize = 1.0f)

Compute a single IK step.

stepSizeControls the amount of error to be reduced in each step: $ 0 < \beta \leq 1 $
The changes $\Delta \theta$ in the joint angles.
{Note} This does not affect the joints values of the robot.

◆ computeSteps()

bool VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::computeSteps ( float  stepSize,
float  minChange,
int  maxSteps 

Computes the complete inverse kinematics.

stepSizeControls the amount of error to be reduced in each step: $ 0 < \beta \leq 1 $
maxStepsMaximal numbers of steps.
minChangeThe minimal change in joint angles (euclidean distance in radians)
{Note} Sets the node's joint angles automatically.

◆ convertModelScalingtoM()

void VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::convertModelScalingtoM ( bool  enable)

If enabled, the Jacobian is computed for [m] while assuming the kinematic definitions are given in [mm]. Standard: disabled

◆ getDefaultTCP()

RobotNodePtr VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::getDefaultTCP ( )

Returns the default tcp of the robot.

◆ getDelta()

Eigen::VectorXf VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::getDelta ( const Eigen::Matrix4f &  current,
const Eigen::Matrix4f &  goal,
IKSolver::CartesianSelection  mode = IKSolver::All 

◆ getDeltaToGoal()

Eigen::VectorXf VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::getDeltaToGoal ( SceneObjectPtr  tcp = SceneObjectPtr())

Returns 6D workspace delta that is used for Jacobi calculation.

Returns 6D workspace delta that is used for Jacobi calculation.

◆ getError()

Eigen::VectorXf VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::getError ( float  stepSize = 1.0f)

Computes the complete error vector, considering all TCPs and goals.

Implements VirtualRobot::JacobiProvider.

◆ getErrorPosition()

float VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::getErrorPosition ( SceneObjectPtr  tcp = SceneObjectPtr())

Returns the translation error for a given tcp (i.e., the distance to the target).

◆ getErrorRotation()

float VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::getErrorRotation ( SceneObjectPtr  tcp = SceneObjectPtr())

Returns the error metric for a given tcp (i.e., the angle between the target pose).

◆ getJacobianMatrix() [1/4]

Eigen::MatrixXf VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::getJacobianMatrix ( SceneObjectPtr  tcp,
IKSolver::CartesianSelection  mode 

Returns the Jacobian matrix for a given tcp.

tcpThe tcp joint that should be considered. By default the tcp joint that is defined in rns in the constructor is used.
modeAllows to include only a subset of the Cartesian coordinates in the Jacobian (e.g., X|Y if the z-component is unimportant)
The Jacobian matrix; The number of rows depends on mode.
{Important} In most cases, DifferentialIK::computeSteps() should be used rather than handling the Jacobian matrix by one self.

Please note the convention used to describe the orientation: the scaled axis representation. Orientations in the target vector e (see the example below) have to be given as vectors parallel to the rotation axis. Their lengths have to be the rotation angle in radians. Given a target pose matrix and the actual tcp pose, the pseudo inverse Jacobian matrix can be used to compute the first Taylor expansion of the IK as follows:

// given pose matrices
Eigen::Matrix4f target_pose, actual_pose;
// the error vector
Eigen::VectorXd e(6);
// The translational error is just the vector between the actual and the target position
e.segment(0,3) = target_pose(0,3,3,1) - actual_pose(0,3,3,1);
// For the rotational error, the transformation between the poses has to be calculated and
// reformulated into the rotation axis and angle. The error is then the rotation axis scaled
// by the angle in radians.
Eigen::Matrix4f orientation = targets_pose * actual_pose.inverse();
Eigen::AngleAxis<float> aa(orientation.block<3,3>(0,0));
e.segment(3,3) = aa.axis()*aa.angle();
// or
Eigen::AngleAxis orientation( target_pose * actual_pose.inverse() )
e.block(3,3) = orientation.axis() * orientation.angle();
// Calculate the IK
Vector Xd dTheta = dIK->getPseudoInverseJacobianMatrix() * e;

All this is done within computeSteps(). For more information regarding the differential inverse kinematics, see this lecture.

◆ getJacobianMatrix() [2/4]

Eigen::MatrixXf VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::getJacobianMatrix ( SceneObjectPtr  tcp)

◆ getJacobianMatrix() [3/4]

Eigen::MatrixXf VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::getJacobianMatrix ( IKSolver::CartesianSelection  mode)

◆ getJacobianMatrix() [4/4]

Eigen::MatrixXf VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::getJacobianMatrix ( )

Computes the complete Jacobian that considers all defined TCPs and goal poses.

Implements VirtualRobot::JacobiProvider.

◆ getMeanErrorPosition()

float VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::getMeanErrorPosition ( )

Returns distance to goal. If multiple goals/TCPs are defined the mean distance is returned.

◆ getPseudoInverseJacobianMatrix() [1/3]

Eigen::MatrixXf VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::getPseudoInverseJacobianMatrix ( SceneObjectPtr  tcp,
IKSolver::CartesianSelection  mode = IKSolver::All 

Returns the pseudo inverse of the Jacobian matrix for a given tcp of the robot.

See also

The pseudo inverse $J^{+}$ can be calculated from the Jacobian matrix $ J $ using the following formula:

\[ J^t \cdot \left( J \cdot J^t \right)^{-1}.\]

. Update: In order to improve stability, we are now using singular value decomposition (SVD).

◆ getPseudoInverseJacobianMatrix() [2/3]

Eigen::MatrixXf VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::getPseudoInverseJacobianMatrix ( )

◆ getPseudoInverseJacobianMatrix() [3/3]

Eigen::MatrixXf VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::getPseudoInverseJacobianMatrix ( IKSolver::CartesianSelection  mode)

◆ initialize()

void VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::initialize ( )

Initializes the internal data structures according to setGoal setup. Usually no need to call this method explicitly, unless performInitialization was not requested in setGoal.

◆ print()

void VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::print ( )

print Print current status of the IK solver

Reimplemented from VirtualRobot::JacobiProvider.

◆ setGoal() [1/2]

void VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::setGoal ( const Eigen::Matrix4f &  goal,
SceneObjectPtr  tcp = SceneObjectPtr(),
IKSolver::CartesianSelection  mode = IKSolver::All,
float  tolerancePosition = 5.0f,
float  toleranceRotation = 3.0f / 180.0f * M_PI,
bool  performInitialization = true 

Sets the target position for (one of) the tcp(s).

goalTarget pose of the tcp.
tcpThe tcp joint that should be considered. By default the tcp joint that is defined in rns in the constructor is used.
modeAllows to include only a subset of the Cartesian coordinates in the Jacobian (e.g., X|Y if the z-component is unimportant)
tolerancePositionThe threshold when to accept a solution.
toleranceRotationThe threshold when to accept a solution in radians.
performInitializationIf multiple goals will be set, the internal initialization can be omitted in order to speed up the setup procedure (Ensure, to call initialize() after setting all goals).

◆ setGoal() [2/2]

void VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::setGoal ( const Eigen::Vector3f &  goal,
SceneObjectPtr  tcp = SceneObjectPtr(),
IKSolver::CartesianSelection  mode = IKSolver::Position,
float  tolerancePosition = 5.0f,
float  toleranceRotation = 3.0f / 180.0f * M_PI,
bool  performInitialization = true 

Sets the target position for (one of) the tcp(s).

goalTarget position of the tcp.
tcpThe tcp joints that should be considered. By default the tcp joint that is defined in rns in the constructor is used.
modeAllows to include only a subset of the Cartesian coordinates in the Jacobian (e.g., X|Y if the z-component is unimportant)
tolerancePositionThe threshold when to accept a solution.
toleranceRotationThe threshold when to accept a solution in radians.
performInitializationIf multiple goals will be set, the internal initialization can be omitted in order to speed up the setup procedure (Ensure, to call initialize() after setting all goals).

◆ setMaxPositionStep()

void VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::setMaxPositionStep ( float  s)

When considering large errors, the translational part can be cut to this length. Set to <= 0 to ignore cutting (standard)

◆ setNRows()

void VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::setNRows ( )

◆ setVerbose()

void VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::setVerbose ( bool  enable)

◆ solveIK()

bool VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::solveIK ( float  stepSize = 0.2f,
float  minChange = 0.0f,
int  maxSteps = 50 

Computes the complete inverse kinematics.

stepSizeControls the amount of error to be reduced in each step: $ 0 < \beta \leq 1 $
maxStepsMaximal numbers of steps.
minChangeThe minimal change in joint angles (euclidean distance in radians)
{Note} Sets the node's joint angles automatically.

◆ updateDelta()

void VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::updateDelta ( Eigen::VectorXf &  delta,
const Eigen::Matrix4f &  current,
const Eigen::Matrix4f &  goal,
IKSolver::CartesianSelection  mode = IKSolver::All 

◆ updateDeltaToGoal()

void VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::updateDeltaToGoal ( Eigen::VectorXf &  delta,
SceneObjectPtr  tcp = SceneObjectPtr() 

Returns 6D workspace delta that is used for Jacobi calculation. Updates the currentDeltaToGoal vector

◆ updateError()

void VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::updateError ( Eigen::VectorXf &  error,
float  stepSize = 1.0f 

◆ updateJacobianMatrix() [1/2]

void VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::updateJacobianMatrix ( Eigen::MatrixXf &  jac)

◆ updateJacobianMatrix() [2/2]

void VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::updateJacobianMatrix ( Eigen::MatrixXf &  jac,
SceneObjectPtr  tcp,
IKSolver::CartesianSelection  mode 

Field Documentation

◆ checkImprovement

bool VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::checkImprovement

Indicates if the jacobian steps must improve the result, otherwise the loop is canceld.

◆ convertMMtoM

bool VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::convertMMtoM

◆ coordSystem

RobotNodePtr VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::coordSystem

◆ currentError

Eigen::VectorXf VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::currentError

◆ currentInvJacobian

Eigen::MatrixXf VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::currentInvJacobian

◆ currentJacobian

Eigen::MatrixXf VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::currentJacobian

◆ invParam

float VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::invParam

◆ modes

std::map<SceneObjectPtr, IKSolver::CartesianSelection> VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::modes

◆ nDoF

std::size_t VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::nDoF

◆ nodes

std::vector<RobotNodePtr> VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::nodes

◆ nRows

std::size_t VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::nRows

◆ parents

std::map< RobotNodePtr, std::vector<RobotNodePtr> > VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::parents

◆ partJacobians

std::map<SceneObjectPtr, Eigen::MatrixXf, std::less<SceneObjectPtr>, Eigen::aligned_allocator<std::pair<const SceneObjectPtr, Eigen::MatrixXf> > > VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::partJacobians

◆ positionMaxStep

float VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::positionMaxStep

◆ targets

std::map<SceneObjectPtr, Eigen::Matrix4f, std::less<SceneObjectPtr>, Eigen::aligned_allocator<std::pair<const SceneObjectPtr, Eigen::Matrix4f> > > VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::targets

◆ tcp_set

std::vector<SceneObjectPtr> VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::tcp_set

◆ tmpComputeStepTheta

Eigen::VectorXf VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::tmpComputeStepTheta

◆ tmpDeltaAA

Eigen::AngleAxis<float> VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::tmpDeltaAA

◆ tmpDeltaOrientation

Eigen::Matrix4f VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::tmpDeltaOrientation

◆ tmpUpdateErrorDelta

Eigen::VectorXf VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::tmpUpdateErrorDelta

◆ tmpUpdateErrorPosition

Eigen::Vector3f VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::tmpUpdateErrorPosition

◆ tmpUpdateJacobianOrientation

Eigen::MatrixXf VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::tmpUpdateJacobianOrientation

◆ tmpUpdateJacobianPosition

Eigen::MatrixXf VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::tmpUpdateJacobianPosition

◆ tolerancePosition

std::map<SceneObjectPtr, float> VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::tolerancePosition

◆ toleranceRotation

std::map<SceneObjectPtr, float> VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::toleranceRotation

◆ verbose

bool VirtualRobot::DifferentialIK::verbose