Public Member Functions | |
EIGEN_MAKE_ALIGNED_OPERATOR_NEW | Robot (const std::string &name, const std::string &type="") |
~Robot () override | |
virtual void | setRootNode (RobotNodePtr node)=0 |
virtual RobotNodePtr | getRootNode () const =0 |
virtual void | applyJointValues () |
virtual void | setThreadsafe (bool) |
template<typename T > | |
std::shared_ptr< T > | getVisualization (SceneObject::VisualizationType visuType=SceneObject::Full, bool sensors=true) |
void | showStructure (bool enable, const std::string &type="") |
void | showCoordinateSystems (bool enable, const std::string &type="") |
void | showPhysicsInformation (bool enableCoM, bool enableInertial, VisualizationNodePtr comModel=VisualizationNodePtr()) override |
void | setupVisualization (bool showVisualization, bool showAttachedVisualizations) override |
virtual std::string | getName () const |
virtual std::string | getType () const |
void | setType (const std::string &type) |
void | setName (const std::string &name) |
void | print (bool printChildren=false, bool printDecoration=true) const override |
void | setUpdateVisualization (bool enable) override |
void | setUpdateCollisionModel (bool enable) override |
std::shared_ptr< Robot > | shared_from_this () const |
virtual RobotConfigPtr | getConfig () const |
virtual bool | setConfig (RobotConfigPtr c) |
virtual void | registerRobotNode (RobotNodePtr node)=0 |
virtual void | deregisterRobotNode (RobotNodePtr node)=0 |
virtual bool | hasRobotNode (RobotNodePtr node) const =0 |
virtual bool | hasRobotNode (const std::string &robotNodeName) const =0 |
virtual RobotNodePtr | getRobotNode (const std::string &robotNodeName) const =0 |
virtual std::vector< RobotNodePtr > | getRobotNodes () const |
virtual std::vector< std::string > | getRobotNodeNames () const |
virtual void | getRobotNodes (std::vector< RobotNodePtr > &storeNodes, bool clearVector=true) const =0 |
virtual void | registerRobotNodeSet (RobotNodeSetPtr nodeSet)=0 |
virtual void | deregisterRobotNodeSet (RobotNodeSetPtr nodeSet)=0 |
virtual bool | hasRobotNodeSet (RobotNodeSetPtr nodeSet) const |
virtual bool | hasRobotNodeSet (const std::string &name) const =0 |
virtual RobotNodeSetPtr | getRobotNodeSet (const std::string &nodeSetName) const =0 |
virtual std::vector< RobotNodeSetPtr > | getRobotNodeSets () const |
virtual std::vector< std::string > | getRobotNodeSetNames () const |
virtual void | getRobotNodeSets (std::vector< RobotNodeSetPtr > &storeNodeSet) const =0 |
const NodeMapping & | getNodeMapping () const |
virtual void | registerEndEffector (EndEffectorPtr endEffector)=0 |
virtual bool | hasEndEffector (EndEffectorPtr endEffector) const |
virtual bool | hasEndEffector (const std::string &endEffectorName) const =0 |
virtual EndEffectorPtr | getEndEffector (const std::string &endEffectorName) const =0 |
virtual std::vector< EndEffectorPtr > | getEndEffectors () const |
virtual void | getEndEffectors (std::vector< EndEffectorPtr > &storeEEF) const =0 |
virtual std::vector< CollisionModelPtr > | getCollisionModels () const |
CollisionCheckerPtr | getCollisionChecker () override |
virtual void | highlight (VisualizationPtr visualization, bool enable) |
int | getNumFaces (bool collisionModel=false) override |
virtual void | setGlobalPose (const Eigen::Matrix4f &globalPose, bool applyValues)=0 |
Set the global pose of this robot. More... | |
void | setGlobalPose (const Eigen::Matrix4f &globalPose) override |
virtual Eigen::Matrix4f | getGlobalPoseForRobotNode (const RobotNodePtr &node, const Eigen::Matrix4f &globalPoseNode) const |
Get the global pose of this robot so that the RobotNode node is at pose globalPoseNode. More... | |
virtual void | setGlobalPoseForRobotNode (const RobotNodePtr &node, const Eigen::Matrix4f &globalPoseNode) |
Set the global pose of this robot so that the RobotNode node is at pose globalPoseNode. More... | |
virtual Eigen::Matrix4f | getGlobalPositionForRobotNode (const RobotNodePtr &node, const Eigen::Vector3f &globalPositionNode) const |
Get the global position of this robot so that the RobotNode node is at position globalPoseNode. More... | |
virtual void | setGlobalPositionForRobotNode (const RobotNodePtr &node, const Eigen::Vector3f &globalPositionNode) |
Set the global position of this robot so that the RobotNode node is at position globalPoseNode. More... | |
Eigen::Vector3f | getCoMLocal () override |
Return center of mass of this robot in local coordinate frame. All RobotNodes of this robot are considered according to their mass. More... | |
Eigen::Vector3f | getCoMGlobal () override |
Return Center of Mass of this robot in global coordinates. All RobotNodes of this robot are considered according to their mass. More... | |
virtual float | getMass () const |
Return accumulated mass of this robot. More... | |
virtual RobotPtr | extractSubPart (RobotNodePtr startJoint, const std::string &newRobotType, const std::string &newRobotName, bool cloneRNS=true, bool cloneEEFs=true, CollisionCheckerPtr collisionChecker=CollisionCheckerPtr(), float scaling=1.0f, bool preventCloningMeshesIfScalingIs1=false) |
virtual RobotPtr | clone (const std::string &name, CollisionCheckerPtr collisionChecker=CollisionCheckerPtr(), float scaling=1.0f, bool preventCloningMeshesIfScalingIs1=false) |
virtual RobotPtr | clone (CollisionCheckerPtr collisionChecker=CollisionCheckerPtr(), float scaling=1.0f, bool preventCloningMeshesIfScalingIs1=false) |
virtual RobotPtr | cloneScaling () |
Clones this robot and keeps the current scaling for the robot and each robot node. More... | |
virtual void | setFilename (const std::string &filename) |
Just storing the filename. More... | |
virtual std::string | getFilename () const |
Retrieve the stored filename. More... | |
virtual ReadLockPtr | getReadLock () |
virtual WriteLockPtr | getWriteLock () |
virtual void | setJointValue (RobotNodePtr rn, float jointValue) |
virtual void | setJointValue (const std::string &nodeName, float jointValue) |
virtual void | setJointValues (const std::map< std::string, float > &jointValues) |
virtual std::map< std::string, float > | getJointValues () const |
virtual void | setJointValues (const std::map< RobotNodePtr, float > &jointValues) |
virtual void | setJointValues (RobotNodeSetPtr rns, const std::vector< float > &jointValues) |
virtual void | setJointValues (const std::vector< RobotNodePtr > rn, const std::vector< float > &jointValues) |
virtual void | setJointValues (RobotNodeSetPtr rns, const Eigen::VectorXf &jointValues) |
virtual void | setJointValues (RobotConfigPtr config) |
virtual void | setJointValues (RobotNodeSetPtr rns, RobotConfigPtr config) |
virtual void | setJointValues (TrajectoryPtr trajectory, float t) |
virtual BoundingBox | getBoundingBox (bool collisionModel=true) const |
virtual SensorPtr | getSensor (const std::string &name) const |
template<class SensorType > | |
std::shared_ptr< SensorType > | getSensor (const std::string &name) const |
virtual std::vector< SensorPtr > | getSensors () const |
template<class SensorType > | |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< SensorType > > | getSensors () const |
virtual std::string | toXML (const std::string &basePath=".", const std::string &modelPath="models", bool storeEEF=true, bool storeRNS=true, bool storeSensors=true, bool storeModelFiles=true) const |
float | getScaling () const |
void | setScaling (float scaling) |
void | inflateCollisionModel (float inflationInMM) |
Inflates the collision models of all robot nodes of this robot. Useful for motion planning with a safety margin. More... | |
bool | getPropagatingJointValuesEnabled () const |
void | setPropagatingJointValuesEnabled (bool enabled) |
void | setPassive () |
bool | isPassive () const |
void | registerNodeMapping (const NodeMapping &nodeMapping) |
![]() | |
SceneObject (const std::string &name, VisualizationNodePtr visualization=VisualizationNodePtr(), CollisionModelPtr collisionModel=CollisionModelPtr(), const Physics &p=Physics(), CollisionCheckerPtr colChecker=CollisionCheckerPtr()) | |
virtual | ~SceneObject () |
std::string | getName () const |
void | setName (const std::string &name) |
virtual Eigen::Matrix4f | getGlobalPose () const |
virtual Eigen::Vector3f | getGlobalPosition () const |
virtual Eigen::Matrix3f | getGlobalOrientation () const |
virtual Eigen::Matrix4f | getGlobalPose (const Eigen::Matrix4f &localPose) const |
virtual Eigen::Vector3f | getGlobalPosition (const Eigen::Vector3f &localPosition) const |
virtual Eigen::Vector3f | getGlobalDirection (const Eigen::Vector3f &localDircetion) const |
virtual Eigen::Matrix3f | getGlobalOrientation (const Eigen::Matrix3f &localOrientation) const |
virtual void | setGlobalPoseNoChecks (const Eigen::Matrix4f &pose) |
virtual CollisionModelPtr | getCollisionModel () |
void | setVisualization (VisualizationNodePtr visualization) |
void | setCollisionModel (CollisionModelPtr colModel) |
virtual VisualizationNodePtr | getVisualization (SceneObject::VisualizationType visuType=SceneObject::Full) |
virtual bool | initialize (SceneObjectPtr parent=SceneObjectPtr(), const std::vector< SceneObjectPtr > &children=std::vector< SceneObjectPtr >()) |
bool | getUpdateVisualizationStatus () |
bool | getUpdateCollisionModelStatus () |
virtual void | showCoordinateSystem (bool enable, float scaling=1.0f, std::string *text=NULL, const std::string &visualizationType="") |
virtual bool | showCoordinateSystemState () |
virtual void | showBoundingBox (bool enable, bool wireframe=false) |
virtual bool | ensureVisualization (const std::string &visualizationType="") |
Eigen::Matrix4f | toLocalCoordinateSystem (const Eigen::Matrix4f &poseGlobal) const |
Eigen::Vector3f | toLocalCoordinateSystemVec (const Eigen::Vector3f &positionGlobal) const |
Eigen::Matrix4f | toGlobalCoordinateSystem (const Eigen::Matrix4f &poseLocal) const |
Eigen::Vector3f | toGlobalCoordinateSystemVec (const Eigen::Vector3f &positionLocal) const |
Eigen::Matrix4f | getTransformationTo (const SceneObjectPtr otherObject) const |
Eigen::Matrix4f | getTransformationFrom (const SceneObjectPtr otherObject) const |
Eigen::Matrix4f | transformTo (const SceneObjectPtr otherObject, const Eigen::Matrix4f &poseInOtherCoordSystem) |
Eigen::Vector3f | transformTo (const SceneObjectPtr otherObject, const Eigen::Vector3f &positionInOtherCoordSystem) |
void | setCoMLocal (const Eigen::Vector3f &comLocal) |
Set a new position for the CoM of this bode. More... | |
float | getMass () const |
void | setMass (float m) |
Physics::SimulationType | getSimulationType () const |
void | setSimulationType (Physics::SimulationType s) |
Eigen::Matrix3f | getInertiaMatrix () |
Eigen::Matrix3f | getInertiaMatrix (const Eigen::Vector3f &shift) |
If the Inertia Matrix is given at the CoM, this function returns the Inertia Matrix at the parallel shifted coordinate system. The shift is done using the parallel axis theorem ( More... | |
Eigen::Matrix3f | getInertiaMatrix (const Eigen::Vector3f &shift, const Eigen::Matrix3f &rotation) |
Eigen::Matrix3f | getInertiaMatrix (const Eigen::Matrix4f &transform) |
void | setInertiaMatrix (const Eigen::Matrix3f &im) |
float | getFriction () |
void | setFriction (float friction) |
SceneObject::Physics | getPhysics () |
std::vector< std::string > | getIgnoredCollisionModels () |
template<typename T > | |
std::shared_ptr< T > | getVisualization (SceneObject::VisualizationType visuType=SceneObject::Full) |
void | highlight (VisualizationPtr visualization, bool enable) |
SceneObjectPtr | clone (const std::string &name, CollisionCheckerPtr colChecker=CollisionCheckerPtr(), float scaling=1.0f) const |
SceneObjectPtr | clone (CollisionCheckerPtr colChecker=CollisionCheckerPtr(), float scaling=1.0f) const |
virtual bool | attachChild (SceneObjectPtr child) |
virtual void | detachChild (SceneObjectPtr child) |
virtual bool | hasChild (SceneObjectPtr child, bool recursive=false) const |
virtual bool | hasChild (const std::string &childName, bool recursive=false) const |
virtual bool | hasParent () const |
virtual SceneObjectPtr | getParent () const |
virtual std::vector< SceneObjectPtr > | getChildren () const |
virtual void | updatePose (bool updateChildren=true) |
Compute the global pose of this object. More... | |
virtual void | copyPoseFrom (const SceneObjectPtr &other) |
virtual bool | saveModelFiles (const std::string &modelPath, bool replaceFilenames) |
void | setScaling (float scaling) |
float | getScaling () |
bool | reloadVisualizationFromXML (bool useVisAsColModelIfMissing=true) |
const std::string & | getVisualizationModelXML () const |
Static Public Attributes | |
static const RobotPtr | NullPtr {nullptr} |
Protected Member Functions | |
Robot () | |
void | validateNodeMapping (const NodeMapping &nodeMapping) const |
void | createVisualizationFromCollisionModels () |
virtual void | applyJointValuesNoLock () |
It is assumed that the mutex is already set. More... | |
![]() | |
virtual SceneObject * | _clone (const std::string &name, CollisionCheckerPtr colChecker=CollisionCheckerPtr(), float scaling=1.0f) const |
virtual void | detachedFromParent () |
Parent detached this object. More... | |
virtual void | attached (SceneObjectPtr parent) |
Parent attached this object. More... | |
virtual void | updatePose (const Eigen::Matrix4f &parentPose, bool updateChildren=true) |
std::string | getFilenameReplacementVisuModel (const std::string standardExtension=".wrl") |
std::string | getFilenameReplacementColModel (const std::string standardExtension=".wrl") |
SceneObject () | |
std::string | getSceneObjectXMLString (const std::string &basePath, int tabs, const std::string &modelPathRelative="") |
basic data, used by Obstacle and ManipulationObject More... | |
virtual bool | initializePhysics () |
Protected Attributes | |
std::string | filename |
std::string | type |
bool | updateVisualization |
std::recursive_mutex | mutex |
bool | use_mutex |
bool | propagatingJointValuesEnabled = true |
bool | passive {false} |
![]() | |
std::string | name |
bool | initialized |
Eigen::Matrix4f | globalPose |
std::vector< SceneObjectPtr > | children |
SceneObjectWeakPtr | parent |
CollisionModelPtr | collisionModel |
std::string | collisionModelXML |
VisualizationNodePtr | visualizationModel |
std::string | visualizationModelXML |
std::filesystem::path | basePath |
bool | updateVisualization |
bool | updateCollisionModel |
Physics | physics |
CollisionCheckerPtr | collisionChecker |
float | scaling = 1.0f |
Friends | |
class | RobotIO |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
enum | VisualizationType { Full, Collision, CollisionData } |
![]() | |
static Eigen::Matrix3f | shiftInertia (const Eigen::Matrix3f inertiaMatrix, const Eigen::Vector3f &shift, float mass) |
The shift is done using the parallel axis theorem ( More... | |
This is the main object defining the kinematic structure of a robot.
VirtualRobot::Robot::Robot | ( | const std::string & | name, |
const std::string & | type = "" |
) |
name | Specifies the name of this instance. |
type | Specifies the type of the robot (e.g. multiple robots of the same type could exists with different names) |
overridedefault |
protecteddefault |
virtual |
Update the transformations of all joints
protectedvirtual |
It is assumed that the mutex is already set.
Can be called internally, when lock is already set.
Reimplemented in VirtualRobot::LocalRobot.
virtual |
Clones this robot.
name | The new name. |
collisionChecker | If set, the returned robot is registered with this col checker, otherwise the CollisionChecker of the original robot is used. |
scaling | Scale Can be set to create a scaled version of this robot. Scaling is applied on kinematic, visual, and collision data. |
virtual |
virtual |
Clones this robot and keeps the current scaling for the robot and each robot node.
protected |
Goes through all RobotNodes and if no visualization is present: the collision model is checked and in case it owns a visualization it is cloned and used as visualization.
pure virtual |
Implemented in VirtualRobot::LocalRobot.
pure virtual |
Implemented in VirtualRobot::LocalRobot.
virtual |
Extract a sub kinematic from this robot and create a new robot instance.
startJoint | The kinematic starts with this RobotNode |
newRobotType | The name of the newly created robot type |
newRobotName | The name of the newly created robot |
cloneRNS | Clone all robot node sets that belong to the original robot and for which the remaining robot nodes of the subPart are sufficient. |
cloneEEFs | Clone all end effectors that belong to the original robot and for which the remaining robot nodes of the subPart are sufficient. |
collisionChecker | The new robot can be registered to a different collision checker. If not set, the collision checker of the original robot is used. |
scaling | Can be set to create a scaled version of this robot. Scaling is applied on kinematic, visual, and collision data. |
virtual |
The (current) bounding box in global coordinate system.
collisionModel | Either the collision or the visualization model is considered. |
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from VirtualRobot::SceneObject.
virtual |
overridevirtual |
Return Center of Mass of this robot in global coordinates. All RobotNodes of this robot are considered according to their mass.
Reimplemented from VirtualRobot::SceneObject.
overridevirtual |
Return center of mass of this robot in local coordinate frame. All RobotNodes of this robot are considered according to their mass.
Reimplemented from VirtualRobot::SceneObject.
virtual |
get the complete setup of all robot nodes
pure virtual |
Implemented in VirtualRobot::LocalRobot.
virtual |
pure virtual |
Implemented in VirtualRobot::LocalRobot.
virtual |
Retrieve the stored filename.
virtual |
Get the global pose of this robot so that the RobotNode node is at pose globalPoseNode.
virtual |
Get the global position of this robot so that the RobotNode node is at position globalPoseNode.
virtual |
virtual |
Return accumulated mass of this robot.
virtual |
const NodeMapping & VirtualRobot::Robot::getNodeMapping | ( | ) | const |
Node mapping
overridevirtual |
get number of faces (i.e. triangles) of this object collisionModel
Indicates weather the faces of the collision model or the full model should be returned.
Reimplemented from VirtualRobot::SceneObject.
bool VirtualRobot::Robot::getPropagatingJointValuesEnabled | ( | ) | const |
virtual |
This readlock can be used to protect data access. It locks the mutex until deletion. For internal use. API users will usually not need this functionality since all data access is protected automatically.
Exemplary usage: { ReadLockPtr lock = robot->getReadLock(); now the mutex is locked
access data ...
} // end of scope -> lock gets deleted and mutex is released automatically
pure virtual |
Implemented in VirtualRobot::LocalRobot.
virtual |
virtual |
pure virtual |
Implemented in VirtualRobot::LocalRobot.
pure virtual |
Implemented in VirtualRobot::LocalRobot.
virtual |
virtual |
pure virtual |
Implemented in VirtualRobot::LocalRobot.
pure virtual |
Implemented in VirtualRobot::LocalRobot.
float VirtualRobot::Robot::getScaling | ( | ) | const |
virtual |
Returns the sensor with the given name.
inline |
virtual |
Returns all sensors that are defined within this robot.
inline |
virtual |
std::shared_ptr< T > VirtualRobot::Robot::getVisualization | ( | SceneObject::VisualizationType | visuType = SceneObject::Full , |
bool | sensors = true |
) |
Retrieve a visualization in the given format.
visuType | The visualization type (Full or Collision model) |
sensors | Add sensors models to the visualization. Example usage: std::shared_ptr<VirtualRobot::CoinVisualization> visualization = robot->getVisualization<CoinVisualization>(); SoNode* visualisationNode = NULL; if (visualization) visualisationNode = visualization->getCoinVisualization(); |
This method collects all visualization nodes and creates a new Visualization subclass which is given by the template parameter T. T must be a subclass of VirtualRobot::Visualization. A compile time error is thrown if a different class type is used as template argument.
virtual |
This writelock can be used to protect data access. It locks the mutex until deletion. For internal use. API users will usually not need this functionality since all data access is protected automatically.
Exemplary usage: { WriteLockPtr lock = robot->getWriteLock(); now the mutex is locked
access data ...
} // end of scope -> lock gets deleted and mutex is released automatically
virtual |
and false otherwise
pure virtual |
Implemented in VirtualRobot::LocalRobot.
pure virtual |
Implemented in VirtualRobot::LocalRobot.
pure virtual |
Implemented in VirtualRobot::LocalRobot.
virtual |
pure virtual |
Implemented in VirtualRobot::LocalRobot.
virtual |
Convenient method for highlighting the visualization of this robot. It is automatically checked whether the collision model or the full model is part of the visualization.
visualization | The visualization for which the highlighting should be performed. |
enable | On or off |
void VirtualRobot::Robot::inflateCollisionModel | ( | float | inflationInMM | ) |
Inflates the collision models of all robot nodes of this robot. Useful for motion planning with a safety margin.
inflationInMM | The collision model is inflated by this value. This value is absolute to the original collision model. Repetitive inflation with the same value has no effect. |
inline |
overridevirtual |
Print status information.
Reimplemented from VirtualRobot::SceneObject.
pure virtual |
Implemented in VirtualRobot::LocalRobot.
void VirtualRobot::Robot::registerNodeMapping | ( | const NodeMapping & | nodeMapping | ) |
pure virtual |
This method is automatically called in RobotNode's initialization routine.
Implemented in VirtualRobot::LocalRobot.
pure virtual |
This method is automatically called in RobotNodeSet's initialization routine.
Implemented in VirtualRobot::LocalRobot.
virtual |
Sets the configuration according to the RobotNodes, defined in c. All other nodes are not affected.
virtual |
Just storing the filename.
pure virtual |
Set the global pose of this robot.
Implemented in VirtualRobot::LocalRobot.
overridevirtual |
Update the pose of this object. The visualization and collision models are updated accordingly.
pose | The new pose of this object |
Reimplemented from VirtualRobot::SceneObject.
Reimplemented in VirtualRobot::LocalRobot.
virtual |
Set the global pose of this robot so that the RobotNode node is at pose globalPoseNode.
virtual |
Set the global position of this robot so that the RobotNode node is at position globalPoseNode.
virtual |
Set a joint value [rad]. The internal matrices and visualizations are updated accordingly. If you intend to update multiple joints, use setJointValues for faster access.
virtual |
Set a joint value [rad]. The internal matrices and visualizations are updated accordingly. If you intend to update multiple joints, use setJointValues for faster access.
virtual |
Set joint values [rad]. The complete robot is updated to apply the new joint values.
jointValues | A map containing RobotNode names with according values. |
virtual |
Set joint values [rad]. The complete robot is updated to apply the new joint values.
jointValues | A map containing RobotNodes with according values. |
virtual |
Set joint values [rad]. The subpart of the robot, defined by the start joint (kinematicRoot) of rns, is updated to apply the new joint values.
rns | The RobotNodeSet defines the joints |
jointValues | A vector with joint values, size must be equal to rns. |
virtual |
Set joint values [rad]. The complete robot is updated to apply the new joint values.
rn | The RobotNodes |
jointValues | A vector with joint values, size must be equal to rn. |
virtual |
Set joint values [rad]. The subpart of the robot, defined by the start joint (kinematicRoot) of rns, is updated to apply the new joint values.
rns | The RobotNodeSet defines the joints |
jointValues | A vector with joint values, size must be equal to rns. |
virtual |
Set joint values [rad]. The complete robot is updated to apply the new joint values.
config | The RobotConfig defines the RobotNodes and joint values. |
virtual |
Set joint values [rad]. Only those joints in config are affected which are present in rns. The subpart of the robot, defined by the start joint (kinematicRoot) of rns, is updated to apply the new joint values.
rns | Only joints in this rns are updated. |
config | The RobotConfig defines the RobotNodes and joint values. |
virtual |
Apply configuration of trajectory at time t
trajectory | The trajectory |
t | The time (0<=t<=1) |
void VirtualRobot::Robot::setName | ( | const std::string & | name | ) |
inline |
void VirtualRobot::Robot::setPropagatingJointValuesEnabled | ( | bool | enabled | ) |
pure virtual |
The root node is the first RobotNode of this robot.
Implemented in VirtualRobot::LocalRobot.
void VirtualRobot::Robot::setScaling | ( | float | scaling | ) |
virtual |
Configures the robot to threadsafe or not. Per default the robot is threadsafe, i.e., updating the robot state and reading the Poses from the nodes is mutual exclusive. This feature can be turned off, however, in order to be make data access faster in single threaded applications.
void VirtualRobot::Robot::setType | ( | const std::string & | type | ) |
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from VirtualRobot::SceneObject.
overridevirtual |
Enables/Disables the visualization updates of collision model and visualization model.
Reimplemented from VirtualRobot::SceneObject.
overridevirtual |
Setup the full model visualization.
showVisualization | If false, the visualization is disabled. |
showAttachedVisualizations | If false, the visualization of any attached optional visualizations is disabled. |
Reimplemented from VirtualRobot::SceneObject.
std::shared_ptr< Robot > VirtualRobot::Robot::shared_from_this | ( | ) | const |
void VirtualRobot::Robot::showCoordinateSystems | ( | bool | enable, |
const std::string & | type = "" |
) |
Shows the coordinate systems of the robot nodes
overridevirtual |
Display some physics debugging information. enableCoM
If true, the center of mass is shown (if given). If a comModel is given it is used for visualization, otherwise a standrad marker is shown. enableInertial
If true, a visualization of the inertial matrix is shown (if given). comModel
If set, this visualization is used to display the CoM location. If not set, a standard marker is used.
Reimplemented from VirtualRobot::SceneObject.
void VirtualRobot::Robot::showStructure | ( | bool | enable, |
const std::string & | type = "" |
) |
Shows the structure of the robot
virtual |
Creates an XML string that defines the complete robot. Filenames of all visualization models are set to modelPath/RobotNodeName_visu and/or modelPath/RobotNodeName_colmodel.
protected |
friend |
protected |
mutableprotected |
static |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |