►NEigen | |
►NGraspStudio | |
CApproachMovementGenerator | |
CApproachMovementSurfaceNormal | |
CCoinConvexHullVisualization | |
CContactConeGenerator | Creates approximated representations of contact cones |
CConvexHullGenerator | |
CConvexHullVisualization | A visualization of a convex hull |
CGenericGraspPlanner | |
►CGraspEvaluationPoseUncertainty | |
CPoseEvalResult | |
CPoseEvalResults | |
CPoseUncertaintyConfig | |
CGraspPlanner | An interface for grasp planners |
CGraspPlannerEvaluation | |
CGraspQualityMeasure | An interface class for grasp quality algorithms that offer a force closure test |
CGraspQualityMeasureWrenchSpace | An efficient implementation of the grasp wrench space algorithm for grasp quality evaluation |
CGraspQualityMeasureWrenchSpaceNotNormalized | An efficient implementation of the grasp wrench space algorithm for grasp quality evaluation |
CMeshConverter | |
►Nnlohmann | Namespace for Niels Lohmann |
►Ndetail | Detail namespace with internal helper functions |
►Ndtoa_impl | Implements the Grisu2 algorithm for binary to decimal floating-point conversion |
Cboundaries | |
Ccached_power | |
Cdiyfp | |
Cbinary_reader | Deserialization of CBOR, MessagePack, and UBJSON values |
Cbinary_writer | Serialization to CBOR and MessagePack values |
Cdetector | |
Cdetector< Default, void_t< Op< Args... > >, Op, Args... > | |
Cexception | General exception of the basic_json class |
Cexternal_constructor | |
Cexternal_constructor< value_t::array > | |
Cexternal_constructor< value_t::boolean > | |
Cexternal_constructor< value_t::number_float > | |
Cexternal_constructor< value_t::number_integer > | |
Cexternal_constructor< value_t::number_unsigned > | |
Cexternal_constructor< value_t::object > | |
Cexternal_constructor< value_t::string > | |
Cfrom_json_fn | |
Chas_from_json | |
Chas_from_json< BasicJsonType, T, enable_if_t< not is_basic_json< T >::value > > | |
Chas_non_default_from_json | |
Chas_non_default_from_json< BasicJsonType, T, enable_if_t< not is_basic_json< T >::value > > | |
Chas_to_json | |
Chas_to_json< BasicJsonType, T, enable_if_t< not is_basic_json< T >::value > > | |
Cindex_sequence | |
Cinput_adapter | |
Cinput_adapter_protocol | Abstract input adapter interface |
Cinput_buffer_adapter | Input adapter for buffer input |
Cinput_stream_adapter | |
Cinternal_iterator | Iterator value |
Cinvalid_iterator | Exception indicating errors with iterators |
Cis_basic_json | |
Cis_basic_json< NLOHMANN_BASIC_JSON_TPL > | |
Cis_compatible_array_type | |
Cis_compatible_array_type_impl | |
Cis_compatible_array_type_impl< BasicJsonType, CompatibleArrayType, enable_if_t< is_detected< value_type_t, CompatibleArrayType >::value and is_detected< iterator_t, CompatibleArrayType >::value and not is_iterator_traits< std::iterator_traits< CompatibleArrayType > >::value > > | |
Cis_compatible_integer_type | |
Cis_compatible_integer_type_impl | |
Cis_compatible_integer_type_impl< RealIntegerType, CompatibleNumberIntegerType, enable_if_t< std::is_integral< RealIntegerType >::value and std::is_integral< CompatibleNumberIntegerType >::value and not std::is_same< bool, CompatibleNumberIntegerType >::value > > | |
Cis_compatible_object_type | |
Cis_compatible_object_type_impl | |
Cis_compatible_object_type_impl< BasicJsonType, CompatibleObjectType, enable_if_t< is_detected< mapped_type_t, CompatibleObjectType >::value and is_detected< key_type_t, CompatibleObjectType >::value > > | |
Cis_compatible_string_type | |
Cis_compatible_string_type_impl | |
Cis_compatible_string_type_impl< BasicJsonType, CompatibleStringType, enable_if_t< is_detected_exact< typename BasicJsonType::string_t::value_type, value_type_t, CompatibleStringType >::value > > | |
Cis_compatible_type | |
Cis_compatible_type_impl | |
Cis_compatible_type_impl< BasicJsonType, CompatibleType, enable_if_t< is_complete_type< CompatibleType >::value > > | |
Cis_complete_type | |
Cis_complete_type< T, decltype(void(sizeof(T)))> | |
Cis_constructible_array_type | |
Cis_constructible_array_type_impl | |
Cis_constructible_array_type_impl< BasicJsonType, ConstructibleArrayType, enable_if_t< not std::is_same< ConstructibleArrayType, typename BasicJsonType::value_type >::value and is_detected< value_type_t, ConstructibleArrayType >::value and is_detected< iterator_t, ConstructibleArrayType >::value and is_complete_type< detected_t< value_type_t, ConstructibleArrayType > >::value > > | |
Cis_constructible_array_type_impl< BasicJsonType, ConstructibleArrayType, enable_if_t< std::is_same< ConstructibleArrayType, typename BasicJsonType::value_type >::value > > | |
Cis_constructible_object_type | |
Cis_constructible_object_type_impl | |
Cis_constructible_object_type_impl< BasicJsonType, ConstructibleObjectType, enable_if_t< is_detected< mapped_type_t, ConstructibleObjectType >::value and is_detected< key_type_t, ConstructibleObjectType >::value > > | |
Cis_constructible_string_type | |
Cis_constructible_string_type_impl | |
Cis_constructible_string_type_impl< BasicJsonType, ConstructibleStringType, enable_if_t< is_detected_exact< typename BasicJsonType::string_t::value_type, value_type_t, ConstructibleStringType >::value > > | |
Cis_iterator_traits | |
Cis_iterator_traits< std::iterator_traits< T > > | |
Cis_sax | |
Cis_sax_static_asserts | |
Citer_impl | Template for a bidirectional iterator for the basic_json class |
Citeration_proxy | Proxy class for the items() function |
Cjson_ref | |
Cjson_reverse_iterator | Template for a reverse iterator class |
Cjson_sax_acceptor | |
Cjson_sax_dom_callback_parser | |
Cjson_sax_dom_parser | SAX implementation to create a JSON value from SAX events |
Clexer | Lexical analysis |
Cmake_index_sequence | |
Cmake_index_sequence< 0 > | |
Cmake_index_sequence< 1 > | |
Cmake_void | |
Cmerge_and_renumber | |
Cmerge_and_renumber< index_sequence< I1... >, index_sequence< I2... > > | |
Cnonesuch | |
Cother_error | Exception indicating other library errors |
Cout_of_range | Exception indicating access out of the defined range |
Coutput_adapter | |
Coutput_adapter_protocol | Abstract output adapter interface |
Coutput_stream_adapter | Output adapter for output streams |
Coutput_string_adapter | Output adapter for basic_string |
Coutput_vector_adapter | Output adapter for byte vectors |
Cparse_error | Exception indicating a parse error |
Cparser | Syntax analysis |
Cposition_t | Struct to capture the start position of the current token |
Cprimitive_iterator_t | |
Cpriority_tag | |
Cpriority_tag< 0 > | |
Cserializer | |
Cstatic_const | |
Cto_json_fn | |
Ctype_error | Exception indicating executing a member function with a wrong type |
Cwide_string_input_adapter | |
Cwide_string_input_helper | |
Cwide_string_input_helper< WideStringType, 2 > | |
Cadl_serializer | Default JSONSerializer template argument |
Cbasic_json | Class to store JSON values |
Cjson_pointer | JSON Pointer |
Cjson_sax | SAX interface |
►Nrapidxml | |
Cxml_node | |
►NSaba | |
CApproachDiscretization | |
CBiRrt | |
CCoinRrtWorkspaceVisualization | |
CConfigurationConstraint | An interface class for defining custom constraints |
CCSpace | A c-space interface for motion planning |
CCSpaceNode | |
CCSpacePath | A path in c-space |
CCSpaceSampled | This class represents a sampled-based configuration space. This is the main class for RRT-related planning |
CCSpaceTree | Contains CSpaceTree which uses a CSpace for managing configurations |
CElasticBandProcessor | The ElasticBandProcessor uses Cartesian distance vectors to move c-space points in order to produce smooth trajectories |
CGraspIkRrt | |
►CGraspRrt | |
CGraspInfo | |
CPlanningPerformance | |
CMotionPlanner | An abstract base class of a motion planner |
CPathProcessingThread | This class can be used to start a path processing algorithm in a thread |
CPathProcessor | An abstract interface for path processing classes |
CPlanningThread | |
CRrt | A simple sampling based, single rrt planner using the extend or connect method |
►CRrtWorkspaceVisualization | |
CRenderColors | |
CSampler | An interface class for custom sample algorithms |
CShortcutProcessor | The ShortcutProcessor searches shortcuts in C-Space to produce smooth trajectories |
►Nsimox | |
►Ncaching | |
CCacheMap | Wrapper for using a std::map or std::unordered_map as a data cache |
►Ncolor | |
CColor | An RGBA color, where each component is a byte in [0, 255] |
CColorMap | A color map, mapping scalar values to colors |
CGlasbeyLUT | |
CKellyColor | An RGBA color, where each component is a byte in [0, 255]. Additionally contains an id denoting its position |
CKellyColorStack | Stack of 20 distinguishable colors by Kenneth L. Kelly but without black and white, e.g. usable for creating graphs |
CKellyLUT | 20 distinguishable colors by Kenneth L. Kelly but without black and white, e.g. usable for creating graphs |
►Nerror | |
CSimoxError | The base class of all errors thrown by SimoxUtility |
►Niterator | |
CPoint | |
CXYIndexRangeIterator | |
►Njson | |
►Nerror | |
CConversionError | Indicates that a JSON document could not be converted to a business object |
CIOError | Indicates that IO access to a file failed |
CJsonError | An exception thrown by the simox::json namespace |
CParseError | Indicates that a JSON file could not be parsed |
►Nmath | |
CSoftMinMax | Can be used to find soft min and max of a set of floats |
►Nmeta | |
Ckey_type | |
Ckey_type< const T & > | |
Ckey_type< const T > | |
Ckey_type< std::map< KeyT, ValueT, OtherT... >, void > | |
Ckey_type< std::set< KeyT, OtherT... >, void > | |
Ckey_type< std::unordered_map< KeyT, ValueT, OtherT... >, void > | |
Ckey_type< std::unordered_set< KeyT, OtherT... >, void > | |
Ckey_type< T & > | |
►Nthreads | |
CCountingSemaphore | A counting semaphore |
CAxisAlignedBoundingBox | An axis-aligned (bounding-)box, defined by its limits in x-, y- and z- direction |
CCircle | |
COrderedCircularBuffer | |
COrientedBox | |
COrientedBoxBase | |
COrientedEllipsisBase | |
CSimoxPath | |
CXYConstrainedOrientedBox | |
►Nstd | |
Chash< nlohmann::json > | Hash value for JSON objects |
Cless< ::nlohmann::detail::value_t > | |
►NVirtualRobot | |
►NMathTools | |
CBaseLine | |
CContactPoint | |
CConvexHull2D | |
CConvexHull3D | |
CConvexHull6D | |
CPlane | |
CQuaternion | |
CSegment | |
CSegment2D | |
CSphericalCoord | |
CTriangleFace | |
CTriangleFace6D | |
►NPrimitive | |
CBox | |
CCylinder | |
CPrimitive | |
CSphere | |
CAdvancedIKSolver | |
CBaseIO | |
CBasicGraspQualityMeasure | An interface class for grasp quality algorithms. A basic quality score, relying on the number of contacts, is served by this implementation |
CBoundingBox | |
CCameraSensor | |
CCameraSensorFactory | |
CCDManager | |
►CChainedGrasp | |
CVirtualJoint | |
CCircle | |
CCoinVisualization | |
CCoinVisualizationFactory | |
CCoinVisualizationNode | |
CCollisionChecker | |
CCollisionCheckerDummy | |
CCollisionCheckerImplementation | |
CCollisionCheckerPQP | |
CCollisionModel | |
CCollisionModelDummy | |
CCollisionModelImplementation | |
CCollisionModelPQP | |
►CColorMap | |
CColorKey | |
CCoMIK | |
CConstrainedHierarchicalIK | |
CConstrainedIK | |
►CConstrainedOptimizationIK | |
►CAdditionalOutputData | |
CConstraintInfo | |
CConstrainedStackedIK | |
CConstraint | |
►CContactSensor | |
CContactForce | |
CContactFrame | |
CContactSensorFactory | |
CDepthRenderData | Used for a Coin3d callback to store the zBuffer |
CDHParameter | |
CDifferentialIK | Encapsulates a differential inverse kinematics for the virtual robot |
►CEndEffector | |
CContactInfo | |
►CEndEffectorActor | |
CActorDefinition | |
CFeetPosture | |
CForceTorqueSensor | |
CForceTorqueSensorFactory | |
CGazeIK | |
CGenericIKSolver | |
CGrasp | |
CGraspableSensorizedObject | |
CGraspSet | |
CHierarchicalIK | |
CIKSolver | |
CJacobiProvider | |
CJointLimitAvoidanceJacobi | |
CKinematicChain | |
CLinkedCoordinate | This class provides intelligent coordinates for the virtual robot |
CLocalRobot | |
►CManipulability | |
CManipulabiliyGrasp | |
CManipulationObject | |
CMultiCollisionResult | |
CNaturalPosture | |
CNodeMappingElement | |
CObjectIO | |
CObstacle | |
COptimizationFunctionSetup | |
►CPoseQualityExtendedManipulability | |
CextManipData | |
CPoseQualityManipulability | |
CPoseQualityMeasurement | |
CPositionSensor | |
CPositionSensorFactory | |
CReachability | |
CRobot | |
►CRobotConfig | |
CConfiguration | |
►CRobotFactory | |
CrobotNodeDef | |
CrobotStructureDef | |
►CRobotIO | |
CChildFromRobotDef | |
►CRobotNode | |
CJointLimits | |
CRobotNodeActuator | |
CrobotNodeDef | |
CRobotNodeFactory | |
CRobotNodeFixed | |
CRobotNodeFixedFactory | |
►CRobotNodeHemisphere | |
CFirst | |
CJointMath | |
CSecond | |
CXmlInfo | |
CRobotNodeHemisphereFactory | |
CRobotNodePrismatic | |
CRobotNodePrismaticFactory | |
CRobotNodeRevolute | |
CRobotNodeRevoluteFactory | |
CRobotNodeSet | |
CrobotStructureDef | |
CRuntimeEnvironment | |
CScene | |
CSceneIO | |
►CSceneObject | |
CPhysics | |
CSceneObjectSet | |
CSensor | |
CSensorFactory | |
CSingleCollisionPair | |
►CSphereApproximator | |
CFaceIndex | |
CSphereApproximation | A data structure that represents a sphere |
CStackedIK | |
CSupportPolygon | |
CTrajectory | |
►CTriMeshModel | |
Ctriangle | |
CTriMeshUtils | |
CTriTriIntersection | |
CUnits | |
CVirtualRobotCheckException | Exception class thrown by VR_CHECK_* macros |
CVirtualRobotException | |
CVisualization | |
►CVisualizationFactory | |
CColor | |
CPhongMaterial | |
CVisualizationNode | |
CVoxelTree6D | |
CVoxelTree6DElement | |
►CVoxelTreeND | |
CElementIterator | |
►CVoxelTreeNDElement | |
Cdatablock | |
CWorkspaceData | |
CWorkspaceDataArray | |
►CWorkspaceGrid | |
CExtends | |
CSize | |
►CWorkspaceRepresentation | |
CVolumeInfo | |
CWorkspaceCut2D | |
CWorkspaceCut2DTransformation | |
►CAbstractFactoryMethod | |
CSubClassRegistry | |
CCoinRrtWorkspaceVisualization | |
CConditionedLock | |
CHierarchicalIKSolver | |
COutputConfiguration | |
Csimox_QHfacetT | |
Csimox_QHintrealT | |
Csimox_QHmergeT | |
Csimox_QHqhmemT | |
Csimox_QHqhstatT | |
Csimox_QHqhT | |
Csimox_QHridgeT | |
Csimox_QHsetelemT | |
Csimox_QHsetT | |
Csimox_QHvertexT | |